Our Core Values

Wanna know what Bnaz is all about, the how behind the what we do? This is the place.


Pray First

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

God is first – in all decisions, interactions, communications and ministry efforts, we will pray first

Have I/we created the environment for prayer to be the first thing we do?

Have I prayed about this?


John 12:1-8

Our thoughts toward others, our words spoken, and our actions are generous with the intent in mind

What is the generous thought/action needed for this situation?

What’s the generous response?


Romans 15:5-6

Internally and externally – in ministry teams, community engagements, we do not “solo” our efforts; we operate as a team

Have I/we engaged with another about what the Lord has placed on our heart? Who else should be involved


Psalm 16:8-11

We are present with God and with people in our time, talent, and treasure; present in the world around us to engage others

How will I/we be as present and engaged as possible in the situation I am involved in? Where is my focus? Am I present with this person or team?


1 Corinthians 12:12-14

Welcoming and hospitable; our environments are inviting and thoughtful toward others; intentionality

What does inclusive language and action need to look like in the context I/we am/are serving in? What barrier is unnecessary/should be removed?


Matthew 22:37-38

Living a life of holiness and wholeness (mind, body, spirit); functioning as a community on mission where everyone plays a part

What are the critical ways in which my/our life is consistently patterned after the kingdom of God in this context? What would make this feel more complete?